8 Things to Consider When Searching for an Assisted Living Facility

8 Things to Consider When Searching for an Assisted Living Facility

There are several crucial factors to consider when searching for an assisted living facility for your loved one. Because assisted care facilities differ widely, review the following eight tips before making this important decision.

1. Determine What is Most Important for Your Family

Consider what gives your loved one a feeling of meaning and purpose. It’s critical for your loved one’s physical and mental health that they be able to pursue the things that keep them hopeful and positive about the future.

2. Take into Account Both Present and Future Needs

Certain illnesses that affect the elderly have symptoms that worsen over time. For example, your loved one may not require assistance in the restroom right now, but if their mobility concerns worsen, they will require more assistance in the future. You may have to relocate them to a different facility later on unless you anticipate possible future needs as well as present requirements. This would cause unneeded disturbance in their life.

3. Make Certain the Assisted Living Facility is Financially Stable

Assisted living facilities are conducted just like a business. They, like any other business, have financial obligations, budgets, and costs. If the facility is not stable financially, it may be unable to offer the high-quality care you’ve grown to anticipate. Worse, it may have to shut down, which would mean a lot of disruption in your loved one’s life.

4. Check References

Most reputable assisted living facilities will offer a list of former caregiver references, as well as a few from current residents. If your facility does not have a list of references or recommendations, request one, and then make sure to follow through on checking the references.

5. Inquire About Getting on a Waiting List

The nicer an assisted living facility is, the longer the waiting list will be. When you visit the facility and decide to place it on your shortlist, request that your name be immediately added to the waiting list. You can always pass on the opportunity if you subsequently decide to use a different facility.

6. Visit Multiple Times Before Making a Decision

One unannounced visit, preferably when you initially indicate interest, one daytime visit, and one nocturnal visit should be included in your visits. This will provide you with a thorough understanding of what it’s like to visit and live in the area.

7. Consult with the Locals

Existing residents are the most genuine source of factual information regarding life in the facility. While formal interviews with residents are unlikely, informal chats with residents can be used to gauge their degree of satisfaction with the institution.

8. Consult an Elder Law Attorney Before Signing Anything

The way various situations are addressed in assisted living facilities varies substantially, as do the resident and family member’s needs. Before you sign anything, sit down with an elder law attorney in New Hampshire and go through all of the documentation with them so you know precisely what you’re signing.

Work with Us

Your success with an assisted living facility is partly determined by how effectively you conduct preliminary research. These eight considerations should help you cover all of the bases before finalizing your strategy. Contact us to schedule an appointment where we can review your options, strategy, and estate plans.